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Focused on Mindsets

60 mins
Private Virtual Session
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Available Plan:

A 1 Hour Focused Session with Workbook that teaches Clients about the two dominant mental processes that filter the way we see and interact with the world. Clients will gain tools to deliberately select goals with high probability of success while learning to leverage their mindset to achieve them. Clients will also learn how to change their mindset when it is not serving them well.

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Free Online Chaplain Visit

60 Mins
Private Virtual Session
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Available Plan:

This free, private, online Chaplain Visit is made available to offer empathetic, spiritual care. While exploring courses of action to support you best, the Chaplain may recommend registration for specific paid Focused Pathways Sessions to empower you and support your goals in view of your personal needs. The Chaplain will likely offer faith-based courses of action to choose from, to empower you and support your goals in view of your personal needs.

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Free Online Focus Session

30 mins
Private Virtual Session
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Available Plan:

This free 30 minute Focus Session is intended to help Staff and Clients get acquainted. Here, we will clarify your needs, answer any questions, and identify the best session-coach-client fit and cost to best support you. This session is required before any other Focused Pathways Life Coaching Sessions.

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